by Mia Barnes
4 Tips to Protect Your Skin in the Spring
Did you know that your skin care routine should change with the seasons? As harsh winter weather subsides and spring approaches, sunlight, warmer temperatures and humidity will dramatically affect your skin. Here’s how to protect it so you’re ready to welcome brighter days, whatever they may bring.
1. Look for Lighter Formulas
Frosty winds and freezing temperatures can do a number on your skin, especially your hands and face. Whether you spend most of your time indoors or often brave the biting cold, dryness, flaking, itching, cracking and scaly skin can happen to anyone.
That’s why so many people use heavy creams and moisturizers during the winter. Your skin is typically oilier in the spring, which means you can get away with using lighter formulas. You might even use ones that purposely dry out your skin to fight acne, improve skin tone and minimize fine lines.
2. Use Exfoliating Scrubs
Dry indoor heat and heavy moisturizers can leave skin patchy and dull. When brighter days are in the forecast, it’s time to revitalize and restore its warm glow. Slough off dead skin with an exfoliating scrub. Avoid plastic microbeads and opt for natural ones with granulated pumice, Epsom salt and even coffee grounds.
You can even make your own with ingredients you have at home. Use your hands to apply scrubs to your face and a loofah to exfoliate the rest of your body. Gently massage your skin to improve circulation and bring some color to your cheeks.
3. Add a Layer of SPF
Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays is responsible for 86%-90% of skin cancers. That’s why it’s so important to protect your skin, even in the springtime. Save yourself the trouble of burns, blisters and sun spots by layering on broad-spectrum sunscreen before heading out the door.
Apply products with an SPF of 15 to 30 for the face and 30 to 50 for the rest of your body. Pick moisturizing ones that block UV rays while nourishing your skin.
4. Cover up Outdoors
Are you sensitive to chemical sunscreens? What you need is a wardrobe update. Add jackets, shawls and wide-brimmed hats to your repertoire and protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
Many outdoor companies also carry clothing that promotes an ultraviolet protection factor. These stylish yet effective garments block ultraviolet-A and ultraviolet-B rays, just like broad-spectrum sunscreens. Stock up on these wardrobe staples before spring arrives to keep your skin safe.
Knowing Your Skin Type
Your skin care regimen might differ from your friends’. In fact, it probably should. Everyone has a different skin type that reacts to each season in its own way. Whether yours is dry, oily or somewhere in between, there’s a product and regimen that’s right for you.
It might take some trial and error, but once you understand the skin you’re in, purchasing products that are tailored to your skin type and goals should be a breeze. Stick with what works and keep an eye on the weather. You never know when you might have to switch things up again.
Cover Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels
Inside Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

by Anthony Stafford
March begins National Nutrition Month, and what better way to kick things off, than with Kori Krill Oil and helpful information from Nutritionist Rania Batayneh, MPH? For many who began 2022 on a health kick, experiences have ranged from effortless to completely off the rails, but Kori Krill Oil can help everyone with the least effort.
Even with the growing trend of diet-conscious people today, nutrition deficiencies are still rampant in the United States, with a whopping 70% of the U.S. population deficient in omega-3’s — a key nutrient for heart health.
With just one serving of superior Omega-3 supplement Kori Krill Oil ($19.99), 250 grams of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids are provided to your body – the equivalent of the same amount of Omega-3s that you’d get from eating 2 servings of fish per week (recommended by U.S. dietary guidelines). As Kori Krill Oil provides Omega-3 in its most natural phospholipid form, distribution is superior and converts directly into cells and organs.
Read on for key pointers in our Q&A with Nutritionist Rania Batayneh, MPH, and no matter where you are in your health journey, get started making sure you’re not deficient in Omega-3’s!
Q&A With Nutritionist Rania Batayneh:
Q: Can you please share some info with our readers about your background as a nutritionist and how you got started?
In 2001, I obtained my master’s degree in nutrition from the University of Michigan School of Public Health. I started my career in San Francisco in 2001 with a focus on developing strategies to help my clients optimize their health and wellness, which results in long term weight loss. My first book, The One One One Diet is a #1 Amazon bestseller and has changed the lives of so many men and women.
Q: During this time with health and wellness interest booming, what is one of the biggest nutritional myths or misconceptions?
I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that only older generations should be worried about how nutrition can play a huge role in overall health. For example, the CDC recommends that the younger generations should also stay vigilant with their heart health too. In fact, heart disease affects 1 in 10 Americans between 20 to 39 years old. Diet and nutrition play a critical role in improving heart health, and omegas are a superfood that can not be overlooked.
Q: Can you tell us what in its formula makes Kori Krill Oil so special, and why it stands out from other comparable alternatives, like cod liver oil and salmon oil supplements?
Krill Oil, specifically Kori, the superior Omega-3 supplement really stands out compared to other fish oils on the market. Kori truly is an Omega-3 Superfood. Antioxidant powered for 6+ benefits including heart, brain, joint, eye, skin and immune health with superior absorption versus fish oils.
Kori Krill Oil Omega-3s are in phospholipid form, which supports Omega-3 distribution throughout the body and delivery to the body’s cells. Since krill oil Omega-3s are in a phospholipid form (their most natural form) that blends easily in our stomachs, you do not get that fishy aftertaste or fishy burps.
Q: Just from a nutritional standpoint, what are some of the highlights that Kori offers, and how do they help the body?
Like fish oil, krill oil contains DHA and EPA. However, krill oil contains the essential nutrient choline which supports brain and nervous system health, and the antioxidant astaxanthin. Fish oil doesn’t have these.
Not all Omega-3 supplements are the same and there are many important differences between krill oil and other Omega-3 supplements, like fish oil that make Krill Oil the superior Omega-3 superfood source. Some key differences include:
Kori Krill Oil naturally has more nutrients and comes in their most natural form for even more health benefits vs. traditional omega-3 sources.
Kori Krill Oil is the most natural Omega-3 form whose antioxidant power supports heart, brain, joint, eye, skin and immune health with superior absorption versus fish oils.
Superfoods are not only packed with nutrients, but they are clean by nature. Kori Krill Oil is naturally non-gmo, which means no artificial flavors, colors & preservatives are needed.
Q: 70% of the U.S. population is deficient in Omega-3’s. What are some health issues that can arise over time due to a lack of sufficient Omega-3’s?
Omegas are always top of mind (literally and figuratively!). Consumers are embracing Omega-3s as they are critical for our brain, eye, skin, heart, join, and immune health. Salmon (or a healthy fish diet) is one of the most recognized superfoods out there, because its Omega-3 EPA & DHA nutrients are essential fatty acids our bodies need. The American Heart Association recommends that you consume 2 servings of fish/week. But >70% of Americans aren’t eating enough of a healthy fish diet, resulting in too low Omega-3 levels.
A more “superficial” example is one of which impacts your skin. The term “Inflammaging” is a meld of the words “inflammation” and “aging,” and lends itself to the concept that inflammation leads to quick aging of the skin. If you are not eating 2 servings of fatty fish each week, it is quite likely that you are deficient in omega-3s which are essential fatty acids. While we can’t take a look inside our bodies, what we see can be a reflection of a deficiency. When our diets are deficient in fatty acids, you may start to experience dry skin. Reason being: Omega-3 fatty acids are important in keeping our skin hydrated and strong. Supplementing with a product that in its natural form — like Kori Krill Oil — can make an impact on your skin.
Are there any final points you’d like to stress about the importance of implementing Kori Krill Oil and Omega-3’s into regular daily intake?
If your diet is lacking in omegas, my recommendation for an added source of Omega-3s is Kori Krill Oil which offers Omega-3s in its most natural form, closest to eating a healthy fish diet. Think of it this way, a supplement should supplement your diet. Sounds simple, right? When you look at your diet (meaning what you eat, not what you shouldn’t eat!) are you getting the essentials? One of which are your Omega 3 fatty acids. To find out, ask yourself this question, “Am I eating 2 servings of fish each week?” If the answer is no, then a supplement is a good idea. Not only do Omega-3s help with our brain health, they are also powerful antioxidants which help support our eye, skin, heart, joint, and immune health.
Some supplements target only one part of your health-your hair, your eyes, your skin, but what if there was one that helped with all of them. KORI is the one supplement your entire body can benefit from-head to toe. What’s more, research suggests that omega-3s from krill oil are superior to fish oil in raising Omega-3 levels in the body.