Suddenly being back in the Arts District after a two year hiatus, as Bob Dylan once said, “Things have changed”. Retail store, Warby Parker is gone. Hammer and Spear, gone. The Pie Hole will be closing September 17th. It’s an area hard hit by the pandemic. When the invitation to visit the Mulholland Room Hideaway arrived—we dashed. Located on the 2nd floor of the building that houses the Pali Wine Co., a building that feels like something about of a Raymond Chandler novel, the 2nd floor entrance is simply a small note on a door. The Mulholland Room Hideway was founded by actor Walton Goggins and cinematic cameraman Matthew Alper, the location has been described as a “love letter to LA.” The occasion? To sip their distilled Gin, Vodka and Whiskey, called, yes, Mulholland. This was a unique Los Angeles event; the name alone for those that know their LA history is that William Mulholland, a civil engineer that imported water into Los Angeles in the early 1900s. Mulholland Drive is a 21 mile excursion on the crest of a mountain that goes from Hollywood to to the ocean. It ihas been the subject of many a film, and it is home to many celebrities. It is distinctly a Los Angeles road that separates the valley from Los Angeles with beautiful vistas of the Hollywood Sign, downtown and the San Fernando Valley. But tonight, we are here to sip and drink, have conversations and watch the slow descent of the summer sun on downtown Los Angeles. And while a PR event, here is the good news—everyone involved turns out to be beautiful, kind and appreciative. And here’s the even better news—the booze is great!
“At Mulholland, our mission is to create artisanal spirits that reflect and celebrate the diversity and vibrancy of our great city. We’ve traveled the entire country in search of the finest spirits available. We are working with master distillers to bring those spirits here for all to enjoy. This is our Spirit of Los Angeles™. You can find our 100 proof American Whiskey, our 96 proof New World Gin and 86 proof 100% Corn Vodka throughout California.”
To learn more about Mulholland Distilled products: https://www.mulhollanddistilling.com

Actor Walter Goggins (left) and cinematographer Matthew Alper